Monday, December 6, 2010

Can Brazil continue to slow deforestation in the Amazon?

Los arboles en las Amazonas son cortan para plantar maiz. Government officials say that Brazil is doing it "to survive." However, there are many people that disagree. The Brazil nut tree takes up to 400 years to grow where as the corn plant only takes four months. Some argue that the Brazil nut tree is a staple to traditional Amazon life and should not be taken away. 

Motorcycle Diaries

Cuando mire "Motorcycle Diaries", yo aprendí y reconocí la diferencia en los países. Some of the countries have a slight difference in their dialect and their use of slang. I would compare it to the way we speak in Texas and the way people speak in New York.


Tradicionalmente, caldo es mas o menos un "broth". Pero, mi tia lo hace con espaguetis, pollo, y verduras. Verduras como tomatoes, celery, and peppers fueron utilizados en su version.


Para Thanksgiving, yo fui a la casa de mi amiga mejor en Lubbock, Texas. Comimos cado y chile con pan de maiz. Con toda la familia alli, celebramos y dimos gracias.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Locro es una sopa comun del Ecuador y Peru. It is a potato cheese soup that comes in several variations. A version common to Argentina is made with vegetables and meat. Chopped avocado, as seen here, is used as a garnish and for a touch of extra flavor.

Diego Rivera

Diego Rivera es muy famoso para pintando los murales en Mexico. This is only one of his masterpieces but Mexico is filled with his talent. Diego Rivera was married to Frida Kahlo who is also a famous artist.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Imprisoned and overseas

Un cuidadano de EEUU fue dejado salir de la prision en Peru. She was involved with rebellion activists in Peru in the early 90s and has been imprisoned since 1995. She will potentially be reincarcerated.